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Your Career Advisor

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"We want to listen to your career expectation and aspiration. It could be a coffee break, lunch, or even a happy-hour break. We want to build a long-term relationship with you, walking alongside your career journey."



Our expertise spans across a variety of sectors; tell us which sector you are interested in:


Supply Chain

  • Product Development

  • Commercialization

  • Merchandising Operations

  • Ethical Trade



  • Design & Creative

  • Product/ Category

  • Marketing

  • Sales & Business Development

  • Digital & e-Commerce

  • Customer Services

  • Insights & Analytics

Shared Services

  • Accounting & Finance

  • Human Resources

Share us your resume for our job match for you at:




Alternatively, you can call us directly to discuss your job expectation at:


+852 3667 9163




You are also welcome to request a return call and our consultant will give you a timely call accordingly.



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